Miller Park Zoo

Miller Park Zoo began to house exotic animals after a circus left behind a lion cub in the early 1900s. The Zoo offers many exhibits and zookeeper interaction opportunities that are enjoyed by the whole family. Zoo inhabitants include a Sumatran tiger, river otter, Galapagos tortoise, Amur leopard, sun bears, reindeer, sea lion, red pandas, lemurs, bald eagles, pallas cats and red wolves. The Zoo features many large exhibits such as a Wallaby WalkAbout, ZooLab, Children's Zoo, Animals of Asia, and the Katthoefer Animal Building. The Zoo's newest exhibit is the Tropical America Rainforest. Guests will see an array of animals and plants whose species make their home in the rainforests of Central and South America. Throughout the relaxing stroll, visitors are sure to be surprised by the mammals, reptiles, and beautiful free flying birds spotted along the way.