Route 66 Miles of Possibility Conference
Date & Time
Thursday, October 19, 2023 - Sunday, October 22, 2023
All Day
Early bird $100
The Eighth Annual Miles of Possibility Route 66 Conference will be held Thursday – Sunday, October 19 – 22 in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, presented by the Bloomington-Normal Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. The 2023 conference theme is “The Great American Road Trip,” focusing on America’s and international visitors’ long love affair with Route 66. To that end, this year’s slate of speakers (TBA) will feature an exciting lineup of authors, historians, and experts to take attendees from the railroads of Illinois, to the heyday of the family station wagon road trip, to the 21st century and the cars of the future.
Three days of conference sessions begin on Thursday at the McLean County Museum of History in Bloomington, while Friday and Saturday are filled with presentations at Uptown Station in Normal. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings feature social activities and entertainment (TBA), with a special Sunday tour (TBA).
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